Gym Kids
At Forge Training, we believe that fitness should be accessible to everyone, including kids. That’s why we’ve created Gym Kids – a program that teaches your little ones how to train and lift weights in a fun and safe environment.
Each Gym Kids class is jam-packed with excitement, starting with a fun warm-up that gets their bodies ready to move. Next, your child will learn foundational bodyweight or weightlifting movements, gaining valuable strength and coordination skills that will last a lifetime.
After that, it’s time for a short fun and age-appropriate workout involving those movements. And to wrap up each class, your child will enjoy a game or workout that puts their newfound skills to the test.
Class Instructor
Kids classes are now available on a drop-in and membership basis!
All prices include tax
Gym Kids Ages 6 - 8
Monday and Wednesday at 4PM (45 min classes)
Frequently asked questions
Is it safe for kids to be lifting at a young age?
Strength and resistance training is completely safe for young developing bodies when done with proper technique and progression!
Not only is strength training safer than traditional children’s sports and activities, but it also decreases the chances of injury.
Will weight lifting stunt my child's growth?
Studies show that resistance training is safe for children and adolescents, and doesn’t negatively affect growth or growth plate health. In fact, the opposite is true. Properly instructed resistance training can improve bone health during the growing years.
Why should kids strength train?
Strength training can be a real game changer for kids, not only in terms of athletic performance, but also when it comes to confidence, focus, and happiness.
In fact, research suggests kids who are stronger and more conditioned perform better in school and are less likely to engage in unhealthy activities
Are parents allowed to sit in and watch?
Absolutely! Parents are welcome to drop off their kids, watch them have fun, or workout in our main gym.
Is the gym safe?
Absolutely. For young kids, the gym is a playground, with things to climb, jump, and swing on. Equipment that is usually deemed “dangerous” is neither accessible or too heavy for a child to move, lift, or play with.
The classroom is accessible only through a fob, so rest assured that not just anyone can come in. We also have closed circuit security cameras in the facility.
What kind of exercises do the kids do?
Our youth classes work with bodyweight exercises to build a good foundation for load-bearing exercises. Each class consists of a fun warm-up, skill work on 1-2 foundational bodyweight movements, a short workout involving those movements and closes with a game or workout.
As children grow older, stronger, and have mastered basic movements like burpees, push-ups, pull-ups, and squats, they are ready to progress to basic weight training, using multi-joint, compound exercises to start out, and emphasize form rather than the size of the load.
How do you keep the kids engaged in excercise?
Every class is different. Jose teaches kids a variety of movements and increases complexity when they’re ready. Once children have mastered the basics of a movement, they will progress to more complex technique that will challenge them enough to stay focused, without getting bored or frustrated.
Gym Kids also incorporates a very important element of childhood development that is readily overlooked in structured extracurricular activities: free play. Kids are given multiple breaks throughout the class to play and explore with their favourite equipment.