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Jumpstart HIIT

An Early Riser Strength and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) class. HIIT is a fast-paced training method used to help you gain cardiovascular and muscular endurance and power. Jumpstart sessions are generally comprised of a progressive warm-up, a daily strength component then followed by intervals of short, high-intensity exercise separated by medium intensity exercises or rests for recovery, then a cool down period at the end of the session.

Each class will utilize a combination of some of Forge’s favourite training tools, not limited to the assault bikes, ski ergs, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, wall balls, calisthenics and more.

Don’t be intimidated, however – this class is open to all levels from beginner to pro and will be scaled to your specific needs and fitness.

Enjoy unlimited classes, like Jumpstart HIIT, with our Classes Only and Unlimited Gym and Classes memberships.

Class Instructors