Buy Tickets for the Forge 8th Annual Deadlift Competition

March 2024

Ben Forrest

As I was spinning my wheels at a local big box gym, I started to notice that the best coaches were fleeing to a place down the road called Forge. Upon hearing some positive testimonials, I finally decided to get out of my comfort zone and join. I was looking for a chill place where I could listen to the same Judas Priest albums over and over again in my headphones while doing some heavy deadlifts. I was able to achieve that here and much more, as I gratefully became part of a community composed of inspiring individuals who aren’t afraid to put in the work. Whenever I take my earbuds out and strike up a conversation, I can’t help but learn something from another member. Lindsay has coached me through 3 powerlifting meets with many more to come. The next great thing we can do as a community is start a GoFundMe to get Johnson a pair of socks without holes in them.