Buy Tickets for the Forge 8th Annual Deadlift Competition

April 2024

Benjamin Peterson

I started working out at Forge near the end of 2021 in an effort to get back into a regular workout schedule following a long break from Crossfit during the pandemic. My initial plan was to take some of the HIIT classes to get back in shape and feel more confident with my olympic lifts so I could eventually transition back into doing Crossfit full-time within about 6 months. After more than 2 years I can’t see myself working out anywhere else. I miss the classes when I’m out of town, and the regular morning crew keeps me driven to stay consistent (even after I disappear for weeks on end). Big shout outs to Tanner for being the EMOM king, Johnson for programming some great holiday workouts, Adam for being an incredible sub, and Jaq for making high knee Saturdays the best part of my weekend!