Buy Tickets for the Forge 8th Annual Deadlift Competition

May 2021

James Darke

“I have trained with Denise, Tessa, Rebecca, Kate, Locky, Hal, Danzel, and Ryan. They have all kicked my ass, made me fitter, taught me a lot about training the ‘right way’, they have all made me work harder than maybe what I really wanted. I am appreciative to all of them for how they have helped me.

My relationship though with Tina is special. This past February Tina and I have trained together for 11 consecutive years. I have reminded her several times that we have survived longer than most marriages. We have lived through a first marriage, childbirth (hers), retirement (mine), injuries too many to list (both), teenage kids (mine), poor health (mine), low blood sugars, high blood sugars (I have been a Type 1 Diabetic for 53 years), blood (mine) and tears (Tina doesn’t cry). I have so much to be thankful to her for. Every day I train with her I am glad I did.

Forge is a special place. I consider it an extended family. A place that you can come, whatever your abilities or condition and do a workout and be comfortable. I am constantly amazed at the abilities of the members around me. What they accomplish with their workouts never ceases to amaze me. They are an inspiration in how hard they work, how they improve in their results, how willing they are to help others. Keep up the good work, all of you. Thank you.”