Buy Tickets for the Forge 8th Annual Deadlift Competition

May 2022

Maren Gray

Thank you so much for the honour of Member of the Month! Forge has had an immense positive impact on my life. I’ve had the opportunity to be a member with Forge since their first gym on Fort St. and it’s been incredible to witness the work and growth made possible by Hal, Locky and Tina. I’ve never considered myself an athlete, and never consistently went to the gym. It wasn’t until Forge that I knew it was a place I wanted to be a part of. I mainly participated in group and personal training, but once I tried my first boxing class, I was hooked. The atmosphere, the energy and the coaches made it a place I wanted to be every week. When I joined the Forge Boxing Club at the Yates St. location, I felt that I belonged and was really a part of something special. I have met so many incredible people in this community and am grateful for the friendships I’ve created along the way. One of the many things that I love about Forge is their community leadership. Every person has the opportunity to be a leader here. It was always very important to me to feel safe here and to create that safe and inviting environment for others. Every person who walks through the front door is welcomed personally. This can be the one thing that keeps someone coming back. This gym, in every space it has occupied, has allowed me to grow outside my comfort level, push both my body and my mind, and prove to myself that I am able to do things I didn’t think I could. Thank you to all of the trainers I’ve had the opportunity to work with, and a big shoutout to all the incredible boxing coaches I’ve been able to learn from. Hal, my friend, YOU have made the difference for me, and I can’t thank you enough for how you’ve shown up for me in my life. Thank you fellow Forgers, for making this space what it is today.