Buy Tickets for the Forge 8th Annual Deadlift Competition

March 2023

Seye Farinu

Prepping to move back to Victoria, you would think my priority would be to find a place to live, but funny enough, it was finding a place to train. Coming from a past life as an athlete, fitness/sports have been a large part of my life – even allowing me to get a higher education debt free (which is tough these days), and now as a washed-up athlete, still exercising the competitive side that has been ingrained in me over the years.

Walking into Forge, I knew I had found the spot for me, so much so that I almost moved into the apartments above. The facility is top-notch, the staff/owners are fantastic, and although I am usually in my own little world while at the gym, the sense of community is there, a compelling factor for many. It is always a pleasure coming into Forge!