Buy Tickets for the Forge 8th Annual Deadlift Competition

May 2023

Tindy Bassi

My journey with Forge started back in 2015 at their first location on Fort St. I started doing PT with Jacquelyn and was then convinced to give Boxing a try by both Hal and Laura. I never felt I was very fitness-inclined or considered myself an athlete, but being at Forge changed that. I absolutely fell in love with boxing and the community that surrounded it; from the classes to our Women-only sparring class, it fed me in ways I didn’t know it could. From there, Laura convinced me to try lifting and the same thing happened. It also made me realize that no matter what the size of my body may be, I am strong and capable. It’s been great reflecting on the Forge journey over these 8 years and it certainly wouldn’t be what it is without the great coaches and the incredibly supportive community of members that make it fun to show up each week and get sweaty! Thanks Forge Fam <3