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Barbell Conditioning

A class focused on mostly barbell exercises to strengthen and condition the musculoskeletal system, improve balance and stability, and improve the cardiovascular system. Each class will consist of up to 3 components: skill acquisition, strength training, and high intensity conditioning.

Barbell Lifting: Squats (air squat, front squat, overhead squat, back squat), deadlifts, strict press, push press, bent rows and more

Pull-ups/chin-ups, handstand progressions, push-ups, sit-ups, jumps, and other Gymnastics: body weight movements

Cardiovascular Training + Other Strength Tools: Kettlebell swings and exercises, dumbbell snatches and exercises, wall balls, assault bike, rowing, skipping, lunges etc.

Enjoy unlimited classes, like Barbell Conditioning, with our Classes Only and Unlimited Gym and Classes memberships.

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